👋 Welcome NSM Student
👋 Welcome NSM Student

👋 Welcome NSM Student

Thank you for joining the Fall cohort of NSM ~ we’re thrilled to have you on board for this inward adventure!


Right now we’re finalising the guest experts and timings — but expect to hear back from us on September 30th with specific instructions for how to prepare appropriately and join the community for the Fall cohort.

🙋‍♂️ In the meantime...

There are a few things you can do to get setup and ready to begin.

👨‍🎓 Choose Your Own Learning Adventure

The learning track you choose will depend on how much time you can commit throughout the program. This does not lock you into anything and you can easily switch throughout, these are more here as a framework to structure your learning around initially.

Learning Track #1: Deep Dive (recommended)

🙋‍♂️ This Is For You If: You’re able to commit a little more time each week, you’re a returning alumni, or you already have a little familiarity with this type of work.

Time to Set Aside: 4-5hrs per week // You should aim to set aside 60 minutes on Fridays (10am PST // 6pm GMT) for the live session plus 45 minutes to listen to the pre-recorded core curriculum and complete your workbook, plus 90 minutes for the Expert-led Masterclasses on Wednesdays (10am PST) and finally 60 minutes to attend your weekly Relational Dojo pod.
  • Live Masterclass Sessions yet to be confirmed

We recommend subscribing to the NSM Google Calendar directly, by clicking this >> [LINK TO COME], to have all the live sessions added automatically.

Learning Track #2: Core Curriculum

🙋‍♂️ This Is For You If: You’re short on time and just want enough theory + info to receive benefits from the protocols, or you’re new to this work and looking to build a foundation before diving deeper at a future date.

Time to Set Aside: 1hr 45 mins per week // You should aim to set aside 60 minutes on Fridays (10am PST // 6pm GMT) for the live session plus 45 minutes to listen to the pre-recorded core curriculum and complete your workbook.

We recommend subscribing to the NSM Google Calendar directly, by clicking this >> [LINK TO COME], to have all your live sessions added automatically.

📚🎙️ Additional Reading + Listening

If you're eager to dive into material about the nervous system before the class begins, you'll find trusted resources below (click the arrow to expand each section). Feel free to bookmark this page and come back to it as when you have spaciousness.

Please note that reading beforehand is not necessary. All information you need to know will be delivered to you inside the course.

🎙️  Podcast Episodes to Whet Your Appetite

If you’re a Spotify user, you can also subscribe to this NSM-specific interview playlist for easy listening. The spotify link is here.


📚 Six Superb Books to Add to Your Reading Shelf

These are not required reading but will definitely support your learning journey & are highly recommended.


1 //Anchored’ by Deb Dana – one of the most accessible and well-written books on the science of Polyvagal Theory & how to apply it to your everyday life with field-tested techniques.


2 // 'The Breathing Cure' by Patrick McKeown — an in-depth collection of breathing protocols backed by 20+ years of field research. You’ll never mouth breathe again after reading this…


3 // 'Widen the Window' by Elizabeth Stanley – a superb introduction to the science of trauma, what it means to increase resilience & research-backed tools for increasing your capacity in life.


4 // Nurturing Resilience’ by Kathy Kain – a superb read, although more of a book for clinical practitioners or those who are looking for a deep dive into the world of somatic therapy & working through developmental trauma.


5 // The Practice of Embodying Emotions’ by Raja Selvam, PhD ~ this is a book containing a treasure trove of research + practices for building greater embodied capacity to be with intense emotions. Highly recommended for those wishing to dive deeper.


6 // The Myth of Normal’ by Gabor Maté ~ Fresh off the press (I’m still making my way through the 500+ pages myself) is Gabor’s attempt to distill over 4 decades of his clinical experience, making the case that the common definition of 'normal' is false & painting a compelling picture of what a saner society might look like.

That’s all for now ~ look forward to seeing you in the NSM community soon!

Stay Regulated Out There,
