
Wall of Love

“Nervous System Mastery felt like discovering the missing piece of the puzzle. I remember thinking ‘this is ridiculously effective

– Philip F, Design & Behaviour Change Consultant.

“NSM is a powerful tool in the personal toolbox. It helps me be more present, ground myself, and regulate my energy through the ups & downs of running a startup...

...Best of all, I have lifetime access to the course materials which lets me visit (and revisit) lessons to better incorporate them into my daily life.”

Ben Kellie, previously full-time Launch + Test Engineer at SpaceX, currently CEO at The Launch Co. a pioneering rocket ship launch startup.

“I can safely say this course is the single best investment I’ve made in my health and wellbeing. It almost feels like I’ve unlocked cheat codes for the game of life...

...Nervous System Mastery has been life-changing for me. It’s equipped me with the knowledge and tools for regulating my nervous system, coming home to my body, surfing my emotions, and accessing my desired state of being ‘on demand’. The more I learn, the more I realise almost everything in life is connected to the nervous system and yet it took me more than three decades to learn how it works.”

Jonathan Carson, Entrepreneur & Writer, sharing ancient wisdom & modern science at the now.

I might make Nervous System Mastery a requirement for my portfolio founders. I know I plan to recommend this to every founder and VC I work with...

...This course is life-changing and the materials are so much richer than I could have imagined. It took me five years of therapy to realize the importance of managing my nervous system."


Julie Fredrickson, Former Founder & Investor at Chaotic Capital.

"Nervous System Mastery opened a door to a space that I barely knew existed. And now that I do, my life is the better for it. This program is going to positively impact me for years to come.”

Brian Portnoy, Founder of Shaping Wealth and author of ‘The Geometry of Wealth’.

Just wow. This course changed my life. Experiencing, first-hand, how the world shifts depending on the state of my nervous system was incredible. Why wasn't I taught this in school?!

...Learning I have the ability to change my nervous system, not through my brain, but through movement, and eating, and who I'm spending time with, and processing emotions. Fucking wild! I feel like I've been given a superpower.”

– Brad W Morris, Investor, Thinker & Community Specialist.

“One aha-moment for me was the differentiation between top-down vs. bottom-up processing. Never could I have thought that you can control your body/chemistry and therefore your thoughts...

...I have improved my sleep and decreased my symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system by a lot. I have learned to pay attention to my body much more than before, I have learned to break the cycle of stress activation where it arises, either in the thinking brain, or in the survival brain (neuroception). I have lost the fear of stress activation, since I can now interpret it and also regulate it.”

Dimitris Kosmidis, Snr Product Manager, Amazon Alexa.

“I feel like I finally know what it means to be present through the feeling of being in my body...

...NSM is a practical course on how to live a fulfilled life by being more present with your thoughts, emotions and others.”


Andrew Barry, Founder at Curious Lion Learning.

This course is a gift that keeps on giving...

...at the risk of sounding redundant, I’ll say it again and again. From the bottom of my heart thank you for putting this course on offer to the world.”

Christina Fedor, Startup Founder & Writer.

Nervous System Mastery is the most powerful thing I've ever done for personal growth. I had previously explored breathwork, meditation, therapy, and other approaches, but always felt like something was missing...

...Nervous System Mastery connected the dots in a transformative way. It gave me the context I lacked to understand how these practices align with my experience of daily life. More importantly, it helped me build awareness for how to fully experience and transform the physiology of my body and emotional experiences. Can't thank Jonny enough for putting this out into the world in such an accessible manner.”

Sam Sager, Entrepreneur specialising in Systems of Self-Renewal.

NSM will give you bite-size and actionable techniques for regulating my nervous system which I have consistently put into practice at least one 10-min-a-day since day one of the course. It’s like seeing the world in HD...

...I feel more connected and empathic towards others. I feel more grounded, I feel more in control of using the breath to calm myself down. NSM has essentially become the underpinning foundation for how I am redesigning my life around what I need as shown by how I feel. I would recommend it to everyone who is ambitious, who is leading teams, who wants to function well and who is interested in breathwork and the self.”

Caryn Tan, Learning Designer + Creator Economy Advocate.

This course should be a requirement if you are a human with a NS. It will peak your curiosity, give you lots to play with and transform your experience with their body in the world...

...My life is different now that I feel that I am willing to let my NS move through its full range without fear, knowing that I have tools to bring it into balance. Unexpected benefits might include shifts in perspective, improved emotional intelligence & a wider window of tolerance to stress. Life in general feels freer and easier to navigate with the NSM knowledge, protocols + better interoception.”

– Laura Karpinski, Founder of Align.Move.Breathe.

It's the most wonderful, science-backed, practical course for learning how our nervous system works, and how we can get it to work with us, rather than against us...

...Nervous System Mastery has been truly life-changing. I'm feeling much more at ease after the course, which not only feels great, but has a major, positive impact on my family, as well. I'm also more excited than I've been in years.”

— Rob Tourtelot, Co-Founder, Pump Audio (acquired by Getty Images).

“I’ve reduced my caffeine intake and I feel more connected to my emotional experience

…NSM distills leading theories of nervous system regulation, formatted to be as practical as possible.”

— Tessa Carolyn, Bodyworker + Somatic Coach.

“NSM is a highly approachable user manual for our own nervous system, so that we can live with more grace.

…Loved the variety as well as the brilliance of tapping into such a talented group of individuals. Really admire the design and administration of the course. Very thoughtful. Very professional. Very inviting. Very thought provoking.”

Jason Berv, Life Coach.

“This course has provided me with several missing pieces: 1) a complete framework to organize my knowledge and better understand nervous system regulation 2) how to be more precise and intentional with the practices I am doing and 3) and a build-out of my tool kit to enhance my practices…

…Historically, I over relied on mediation and treated all stress as one dimensional but now I find myself trying to locate how I am feeling more often which allows me to determine what I need to do to be most alive in the current situation.”

— Chris Scott, Personal Growth Coach

“I finally have the language to describe what's happening inside me, to recognize the different states that I'm in. And I've learned that it's okay to feel any type of emotion, there are no bad ones; that crying is something to embrace and something healthy, as emotions flowing through me...

...I loved the breakout rooms during the live sessions, using the Feynman technique as a way to test our understanding. I gained a lot from other people's analogies and metaphors for the NSM concepts.”

Julia Saxena, Director of Marketing at Forte Labs.

“I've been a lot more grounded since the third week. Always having a sense of confidence which was not as strong previously…

…NSM is the course you never knew you needed. We have been taught our entire life how to bottle our emotions and how to push through the difficult times and not let anything bother you, which always have a negative impact on our life. BUT what if there was a way you can control your state and surf your emotions and work through everything you feel and stay grounded in any situation? That is exactly what NSM teaches you."

Kevan Kalapnath-Maharaj, Managing Director IAMovement

“I’ve noticed a slight softening with myself. I feel empowered to take the time I need to feel my emotions fully, rather than pushing through or around them with "productivity”.

Dom Francks, Wilderness Guide and Coach.

“I feel less jumpy/edgy, I give myself more time to do things/get places, and I have better boundary setting; which all come with better knowing what I need to stay regulated…

…NSM taught me how to better understand and read my own inner state and body's messages (stressed, tired, hyped up?) and how to self-regulate with proven practices and protocols. It gives you more choice and agency over how you're feeling. Plus I really appreciated that the live sessions were an opportunity to have an experience with the material, and digest and process what we were learning (not getting new content as main focus). To me, made this WAY better than other courses I've taken.”

Alex Mart CMT, Bodyworker.

“The biggest shift for me has been the seriousness with which I am contemplating my relationship with alcohol. It's been coming for a while, and I think this course helped crystallise this process.”

— Ronan Loughney, Writer.

“It's a powerful way for you to come home to yourself.”

— Jonas Altman, Founder at Social Fabric & Writer.

“The state of my nervous system is now paramount in my life; I can’t imagine a life where I don’t reflect on the state of my nervous system, it’s that important to me.

Like God giving me the keys to my car, the body.”

— Pablo Estrada, Human Being.

“Since taking NSM, I’m able to reframe my thoughts and have gained the freedom to respond and not merely react.”

— Kavitha Arunkumar, Occupational Therapist + Neurodivergent Advocate.

“The best thing I did for myself and my relationships

…I feel that my new sense of feeling more stable, grounded and learning how to set and stick to boundaries has come not from some huge aha moment but from cultivating interoception and just simply paying attention to how I feel and what I need at that moment. It's...incredibly empowering. It feels like it can give me the strength to actually make some bigger shifts when it comes to preventing burnout.”

— Katarina Tavčar Možina, Animal Rights Advocate + Storyteller.

I’ve noticed that I'm less bothered by where I am in life currently, and I am also able to find joy in small things more often!

…I've got a (deeper, more embodied) understanding that the way to a happy life is not through achieving more and more, but developing an internal sense of safety and self-worth, and working through my emotions and increasing my emotional vocabulary is a crucial step towards that. NSM is a framework to start writing your own operating manual for being a human being."

— Kristóf Rácz, PhD Candidate & Assistant Lecturer.

“A really good introduction to nervous system concepts, valuable practices that are easy to integrate and a community that is engaged and supportive. You can get a ton of value even doing the bare minimum and much more if you go deeper.”

— Mattia Gheda, CTO @ PrecisionNutrition.

“My partner mentioned how much calmer and relaxed I am which has made stressful life events (house flood, and moving home) much easier. I've also reflected a lot on some of my childhood conditioning and how this has shaped my relationship with various emotions

…My ability to down-regulate when I'm feeling anxious or charged, it's totally game changing in how it improves the quality of my day and interactions with others. NSM offers an embodied education which holds the secret to a calmer, more connected and richer life.”

— Kasia K, Breathwork Practitioner.

“NSM lasers right into the importance of learning about and practicing regulating our nervous system. I’ve previously found other courses challenging to follow through to the end, but NSM was so valuable and engaging that I was motivated to keep going

…I am much more present to my son and my husband when we are together and I think having the tools to return to a state of regualtion is a key component in doing this. I learned some very practical ways to help myself stay out of or move out of emotional reactivity.”

— Susan T.

“NSM will help connect the dots between what's going on with your physical health, your relationships, and your mind-body connection…

…I'm also noticing an overall synergy of good things happening in my life as I give more awareness to interoception and to my emotions. It's led to better conversations, new friends, me remembering to be a bit kinder to myself, and a lot of eye-opening revelations... about some limiting beliefs, the state of nervous system, how i process emotions.”

— Briana Green, E-commerce Business Owner.

“NSM is a place to learn more about your nervous system and how to regulate it. You will have some insights into past experiences, and some doors will open into how your life can be enhanced just by implementing some simple exercises and habits. It's a key to unlocking a new world.

…Before the course, I experienced a complete shutdown that lasted for several hours. NSM has taught me the importance of regulation, and how to prevent this from happening again”

Eni Šušak, life coach, spiritual seeker, writer, entrepreneur.

This is part of me now, I carry it as I move through my life professionally and personally.

I've created much more space between stimuli and reaction and taken radical responsibility for my nervous system: asking for time to disengage (communicating a placeholder to come back to the table), owning up to my regulation self-responsibility; taking much-needed NSDRs, sighs, and breath breaks. I am more calm. More present. More grounded. I am more in my power to create the day I want, the relationships I love, and the life I live."

JiJi Noble, Founder of Gold Standard Health

“I have increased my commitment to self-regulation and seen genuine gains even through very stressful times

…NSM is a warm and welcoming workshop for learning to self-regulate through the body instead of the mind. Lots to explore and lots to relearn.”

— Kristen Westergaard, Elementary Educator + Steadfast Seeker.

I’m feeling more open and motivated to connect with others and generally more calm and capable when it comes to responding to adversity and discomfort

…NSM has been an invaluable experience where I’ve learned to pilot the human body and connect more deeply with myself and others.”

Michael Wally, Android Software Engineer at Meta.

“NSM is a course that helps you get in touch with your nervous system responses, and learn to rise out of reactivity.”

Aliya Esmail, Head of Digital at Kanbrick.

“Learning the value of co-regulation helped me be more open, diving into the interoception made me aware of my emotions. NSM frameworks will change your life forever, making you see and live every day like you've done never.”

— ViKi.