Interoception 101 for Beginners (Start Here)

Jonny Miller
February 6, 2025
Interoception 101 for Beginners (Start Here)


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Week 1

Nervous System Fundamentals

1.1 Intro

What is Nervous System Mastery?

1.2 Context

Jonny’s Story

1.3 Theory

The R.I.S.E. Framework

1.4 Theory

Three Operating Modes

1.5 Exercise

Mapping Your Modes of Being

Week 2

Interoception vs. Reactivity

2.1 Theory

The Art + Science of Interoception

2.2 Theory

Two Types of Reactivity

2.3 Reflection

Somatic Freediving

2.4 Theory

Daily ‘A.P.E.’ Training

2.5 Protocol

A.P.E. Exploration

2.6 Theory

Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest (NSDR)

2.7 Protocol v1

Afternoon Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest NSDR Practice (15 mins)

Week 3

Shift Your State

3.1 Theory

Self-Regulation Strategies

3.2 Theory

Three Ways to Shift Your State

3.3 Theory

How You Breathe = How You Live

3.4 Protocol

Catch Reactivity with the 3 C’s

3.5 Theory


3.6 Protocol

7 Minutes to Calm

3.7 Story

Thawing Dorsal Shutdown

Week 4

Master Your Emotions

4.1 Theory

Emotional Neuroscience 101

4.2 Theory

Exploring Emotional Debt

4.3 Theory

Un-kinking the Hosepipe of E-Motion

4.4 Principles

Set & Setting

4.5 Protocol

Somatic Surfing

4.6 Practice

Write a Letter

4.8 Assignment

The NSM Edge Challenge

Week 5

Environment Redesign

5.1 Theory

Lao Tzu’s Hollow Pot

5.2 Theory

Exteroceptive Audit

5.3 Exercise

Design Your Sleep Sanctuary

5.4 Design

Morning + Evening Rituals

5.5 Journal

Reflecting Forwards
