NSM Ambassador Referral Guide

NSM Ambassador Referral Guide

Hi friends + NSM Alumni, Thanks for your interest in our Alumni Referral Program! I’m excited and grateful that you’re keen to promote (and potentially join) the new NSM Cohort. I’ve put together this guide, we want to make it as easy as possible… Any questions? Hit up Ocean here ~ nervoussystemmastery@gmail.com ;)

📝 How It Works

Step 1

Connect your Paypal account to the Thrivecart Account that we’ve created for you (login here)

Step 2

However you choose to pass this on (emails/messages to friends, on social mediat etc.) and share the NSM landing page (nsmastery.com) as well as your custom discount code. They will need to ideally mention your name in the application and pay using your referral code – this gives them the $250 discount and will automatically pay out $250 to your Paypal.

👆 NB. if all of this ThriveCart stuff feels like too much hassle or overly complex, you can also just ask your friends to mention ‘Referred by [your name]’ in their application form and we can sort out the referrals down the line (it’ll just take a bit longer)

❓ FAQs

Is there a minimum or maximum amount I can earn?

When and how will I get paid?